mercredi 14 février 2007

Heroes of the Republic

EPISODE 17 "Heroes of the Republic"

The most horrible episode of Rome...I couldn't sleep after watching it...
I know I can get carried away and it is just television but it has really hurted me. I mean, poor Vorenus!!! This is so unfair!!!
Let's sum up quickly: Vorenus and Pullo come back to Rome with the children safe and sound, but it seems that the children hate their father. During the episode they plan to escape because they blame their dad for all the terrible things they have been through (their mom's death, the curse cast on them by their dad, slavery, prostitution). But they are stopped by Lyde who tells Vorena, the elder one, that they have to stay with their father if they want to have a chance in their lives because they will never survive on their own. So at the end of the episode the whole family is gathered for dinner and the children look all sweet and kind...except that the last shot shows Vorena cursing her dad...that was just horrible. Vorenus does not have a clue of what is happening, he doesn't suspect that his children truly hate him! My God I feel so sorry for him...OK he's made many mistakes and he lost his mind and was very brutal, he cursed his children after Niobe killed herself. And that's the whole misunderstanding, the children think their dad killed their mom, another reason to hate him more. I wish they knew the truth. Moreover he spared little Lucius' life. Now he is trying to start over and I am afraid his daughter's hatred is going to have tragic consequences on Vorenus...*criiiies*
If only they could talk openly and then forgive him..but that'd be too good to be true!
I am just so disgusted of what the writers have done to Vorenus:(
The only positive point is that Pullo is still on his side. They are back together. The scene Pullo/Eirene was quite funny, Eirene being jealous of Vorenus, she thinks Pullo loves Vorenus more lol. Of course Pullo denies it and his joke was awesome "If both of you were drowning in a lake I would save you're half his weight". Eirene doesn't get the joke and come on...of course he would save Vorenus! lol... When they are all having dinner Pullo looks at Vorenus with such tenderness...and they are both joking and no one else thinks it's funny...
Well to conclude there's still hope for Vorenus as long as Pullo is near him...
I promise, if Vorenus loses Pullo's friendship (and love) I will scream, yell, cry to death...I'm so worried about that...Why can't Vorenus be happy after all he's been through for Christ's sake!!!

The other events:

Vorenus has sex with Gaia.
First orgy of the show.
Octavia gets high.
Atia goes back to her son crying, begging "forgive me" (ooh Atia..she knows how to solve problems;))
Cicero hasn't changed a bit: "I go where I can get some of the power..." and sends his greetings to Brutus.
Marc Antony receives Atia's visit and a surprise....Octavian...sorry, Caesar and his troops. Let's make peace. Who are you kidding guys???

1 commentaire:

Liz a dit…

Okaaaay, so "Heroes of the Republic"... I love that the title refers to my Dearus Brutus (and Cassius but I care more about Burtus).

*'The most horrible episode'... Naaay, I reckon the worst one was either the season finale or the season premiere, with Vorenus going all crazy on our asses and Brutus feeling awful post-Caesar's murder. And I know it hurts, oooh how badly I know... It's not just television, these are like PEOPLE WE LOVE! I mean, yeah they're fictional but... Heh.

*Yeah I feel bad for Vorenus, too, I mean, with Lyde being all "you're allowed to hate him as long as you don't show it"... Dumbest piece of advice ever... Vorena the Eldest is just awful. And creepy. The writers are pretty harsh on that one, I reckon...

*PULLO IS LOVE! God he's such a lovely character and presence. This show is nothing without him. And yep, gotta love the interactions at dinner with Vorenus, they were just adorable. Poor Eirene, I love her, but I wish she'd get the hell out of here so that our two soulmates can be reunited :D

*Vorenus having sex with Gaia was meh. But I kinda liked her attitude afterwards.

*The orgy = yaaawwwn, because it didn't involved Octavian. Bring on THE KINKY SEX! (heh, I sound like a dirty old pervert but these are not my words).

*Octavia = yaaaaawwwn.

*Atia rocked the hell out of her scenes during this episode. "I spit on that pig Antony for leading me astray... and then, I'll just go and have sex with him."

*Cicero, as cunning as ever... I loved the actor's performance though, he's so good this season! And I loved the whole scene in the Senate, with the soldiers coming in, and Octavian speaking of Caesar's assasination, and then asking who will speak against the motion... It was all so good and chilling!

*"Who are you kidding guys???" Heh. Apparently Brutus and Cassius.

*You haven't mentioned how Simon Woods was GREAT in this episode, or the Brutus/Cassius hug (which is crucial in my opinion, as all things involving Brutus)!

I really don't want to see the next episode, I can't, I won't, I'll just... This show will be the death of me, I'm telling you!