vendredi 9 février 2007

Testudo et Lepus


What an episode!!! I mean woooowww!!!

First of all ,and the most important thing, is that Vorenus and Pullo are getting back together!!!
Well actually they've not been the best buddies in the world in the episode since they had a good fight in the last episode. But eh, they cannot be apart! Pullo goes and finds Vorenus among Marc Anthony's troops and tells him that his kids are alive. No sooner has Vorenus learnt the big news that he is back on Pullo's side and both of them go looking for the kids who have been enslaved. That's when one of the best and most intense scenes of the show takes place: Vorenus and Pullo finding the children, Vorenus holding the little Lucius in his arms, Vorenus killing the slave merchant...awesome!...with a great final: Pullo and Vorenus leaving the creepy place with the kids in their arms, and the theme from the show as music background.
Pullo and Vorenus forever! The best dads ever (eh Liz?! ;))!!!

What about the other Romans....?

Let me reassure you, Atia has not been poisoned! As I expected, it is the slave girl who tastes the meal before Atia, so unfortunately she turns out to be the victim and dies in front of her domina. Atia is furious, and Duro having been captured by her men, she tortures him -well Timon is doing the job for her as usual...- and she then has the confirmation that Servilia is behind the conspiracy. Not really a surprise for Atia! The young Duro ends up murdered by Timon after he has confessed it all. Servilia is captured and tortured by Timon on Atia's orders, but quickly Timon has enough of it. Suddenly he refuses to torture Servilia any longer and yells at Atia "I'm not an animal!!". It was a very intense scene and the torture scenes were very disturbing also.

Now....the new Octavian has finally arrived!!!
He's all grown up now, a man indeed!
It is strange to have another actor playing Octavian but I think Simon Woods is doing a pretty good job, anyway Max Pirkis was too young to play Octavian as an adult.

I will repeat it again and again but Rome rocks!!!
Right now I think I like it better than Six Feet Under! Anyway there is no comparison to make between the two, I think they are both the best series ever!!! Ave!

PS: Liz and I have reached the point of no return: our mental illness or obession concerning Vorenus cannot be cured, we are definitely under his charm. Unbelievable, how can you let Brutus down??? lol jokin'. It's all the fault of Bedroom and Hallways, it has damaged us good, and what is terrible is that we haven't seen this film yet so things can only get worse!!! And I like it!!;)))

1 commentaire:

Liz a dit…

*looking at the pretty, pretty pic of Octavian!Simon Woods*

Okay, so Testudo and Lepus... Let me rewind my memory...

*Vorenus and Pullo beck together was THE BEST SCENE OF THE SEASON SO FAR (afte Brutus' "baptism", obviously). With the theme show, I was like 'yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahh, rock oooooooooonn'! God that was the best thing ever! Speaking of which, I heard there would be a Rome CD coming out at the end of March, I really hope there's gonna be the theme song on it because it fuckin' ROCKS! Plus, it's forever associated to that scene! And hell yeah, they're the best dads ever!!

*Duro's death. Sad but welcomed ^^

*The torture scenes were pretty graphic, even for HBO standards. I love Timon having a conscience crisis all of a sudden, it makes the character less one-dimensional! Well played, Rome writers, well played indeed...

*"Octavian 2.0" as he is known is FINE BY ME. Heh. Of course I' biased since I love Simon Woods so much, but you knew that already.

*"there is no comparison to make between the two, I think they are both the best series ever!!!" Amen to that! Six Feet rocks my socks! So does Rome, of course! Thank God you made me watch it, dunno what I'd do without you...

*HEY! I haven't let my Dearus Brutus down (that's his new nicknme). I loooooove him so, you know that! But can a girl indulge in having two crushes? Besides, yeah, it's the whole Bedrooms & Hallways thing! It did damage us, A LOT! We haaaave to see it, now that we can't see the video! God that was just so frustrating! But anyways, we'll be seeing it and perving on it soon. Heh.