samedi 24 février 2007


ROME- Episode 18 "Philippi"

An end for a new beginning...

The "heroes of the republic" Brutus and Cassius are defeated by Octavian and Antony's army. Even if you don't like these characters, you can't help but feel desperately sad for Cassius and Brutus. The actors' perfomance was brilliant, it was all very well done. Of course death was their only way out and that is what was fantastic with Brutus and Cassius in this episode. They know the battle is lost but they don't give up, they fight till the end. The scenes were very intense and Brutus ceased to be this coward and manipulated character, he doesn't want to run anymore and he dies with dignity, and the scene of his death reminds us of Ceasar's death. A tragic destiny for this character, I think in the end you don't blame Brutus for what he has done because Servilia is the actual cause of all this.
Now we are waiting for the clash between Octavian and Mark Antony...

Back in Italy and before the battle at Philippi, Vorenus and Pullo receive orders from Octavian to murder Brutus' allies. Pullo has to go to Toscana to kill Cicero, a good occasion for him, Eirene who is "preglant", Vorenus and Cie to spend a nice and refreshing moment in the country.

The scene between Pullo and Cicero was weird. It was very calm, the atmosphere was peaceful...They both understood each other, they knew what they had to do...Strange...not awkward, it's hard to describe what I felt.

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