lundi 29 janvier 2007

Sex & the City - Best Lines!

------> Saison 1
-Samantha: Frankly, I think it's sad, the way she's using a child to validate her existence.
Carrie: Exactly. Why can't she just use sex and a nice cocktail like the rest of us?

-Nick Waxler (Modelizer): Why fuck the girl in the skirt if you can fuck the girl in the ad for the skirt?

-Samantha: Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get.

------> Saison 2:

-Samantha: I never leave underwear at a guy's place because I never see it again.
Charlotte: What happens to it?
Samantha: Nothing; I just never go back.
Carrie: Doesn't that get a little expensive, disposing of lingerie every time you sleep with a guy?
Samantha: That's why I stopped wearing underwear on dates.
Miranda: And that's why I'm never borrowing a dress from you again.

-Samantha: Men do this all the time. Women walk around thinking "we," and their version of "we" is "me"... and my dick!

-Stanford: Bigtool4you?
-Cute guy: Excuse me?
-Stanford (embarrassed): Another beer for you???

------>Saison 3

- Charlotte: You have Steve.
Miranda: I don't "have" Steve. There is no having of the Steve. We're good friends.
Samantha: No, we're good friends, but I don't put my dick in you.

- Mr. Big: Hey, have you got a light?
Carrie: I quit.
Mr. Big: Aw, we always used to share a cigarette together.
Carrie: We did a lot of things that were bad for me together.

- Carrie: There is no way that the love that I had with Big is the same thing that he has with Natasha.
Miranda: "Natasha?" When did you stop calling her "the idiot stick figure with no soul?"

- Samantha: Well, let's just say it: you won.
Carrie: Was there a contest?
Samantha: Oh please! There's always a contest with an ex. It's called "who will die miserable?"

- Charlotte: So how are you?
Carrie: I'm good. How are you?
Charlotte: Great.
Carrie: I told Aidan about the affair and he broke up with me.
Charlotte: Trey and I never had sex on our honeymoon.
Carrie: You win. So. Should we get more coffee or should we get two guns and kill ourselves?

- Carrie: How did this happen? How did they get the message that the ass is now on the menu?
Miranda: I bet there's one loud-mouthed guy who found some woman who loved it and told everyone 'women LOVE this!'
Carrie: Who is this guy?
Miranda: Who's the woman who loved it?
Samantha: Don't knock it 'till you've tried it!
Carrie: Bingo!

-------->Saison 4:

- Carrie: I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.

- Carrie: Men who are good looking are never good in bed because they never had to be.

- Aidan: Well, if Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte?
Carrie: No ... it's not like a sweater!

- Samantha (answering the phone): Well, it's about fucking time! Come over here and do me!
Carrie: Is that your standard greeting now?

--------> Saison 5:

- Carrie: Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be.

Thanks to

Other quotes from Sex and the City later...;)

1 commentaire:

Liz a dit…

Okay, this is the part where I'm polluting your comment space with my ramblings. I'm going to try and catch up on all the posts!

I *loved* reading all the Sex & the City quotes! My favorite one being, "Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get." I've never watched the show (never got around to see it), but the writing standard sounds pretty excellent. Was it on HBO? Heh, I bet it was! Of course I'm familiar with the four main characters but I've never seen a single episode, which says much about how famous the show is...

Is that a pic of Kyle MacLachlan with Kristin Davis?! Now I know why you're watching this show, eh! There is a kind of creepily attractive thing about him... let's just say he's unconventionally good-looking :) But he'll always be Creepy!Orson on Desperate Housewives to me, sorry :p

Thanks for sharing, mate!